Tablet cleaning: What can I clean my iPad with? What you should NEVER use

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Work from home means people have to lean on their personal technology more often. Whether for work or play, they will use them for hours on end every day, building grease and grime. There are several ways people can clean their technology, but not every one will do so effectively.

What can I clean my iPad with?

Tablets, unlike television screens, are designed for regular contact with oils.

They won’t suffer damage, but they can become cloudy with natural oils or dirt following prolonged use.

Most people will likely opt to give it a quick wipe down with their sleeve, but this won’t finish the job.

A microfibre cloth

Microfibre cloths are the standard for cleaning most types of glasses and come with most prescription orders.

They provide a static-free clean which prizes dust and oil from potentially delicate surfaces without scratching them.

Anyone who doesn’t own a microfibre cloth can opt for lint and chemical-free cleaning tissues.

Dampened cloth

Where screen marks prove tough to eradicate, all people need to do is apply moisture.

A microfibre cloth moistened with water can cut through dirt even better, but anyone considering this method should make sure their tablet is turned off and disconnected from power sources.

Apple recommends only using water when cleaning an iPad screen, as other liquids may dampen the anti-oil covering.

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Can you disinfect an iPad screen?

Infectious disease specialists state a moistened cloth is enough to wipe off bacteria.

But given the current times, people may want something a little more potent.

Experts suggest either an isopropyl alcohol wipe or UV sanitiser, but once again, this risks stripping some of the screen’s coating.

What not to use on an iPad screen

Apple recommends people not use a variety of chemicals or fabrics to clean iPad screens.

People should avoid the following cleaners:

  • Window cleaners
  • Household cleaners
  • Compressed air
  • Aerosol sprays
  • Solvents
  • Ammonia
  • Abrasives
  • Hydrogen peroxide-based cleaners

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