Star sign reading: Aquarians the most difficult to live with in lockdown, say astrologers

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In the midst of a third national lockdown, couples of varying star signs have once again been forced to hunker down in their homes with one another. The circumstances can contribute to building tension in a relationship. Recent findings from astrology group Psychic Sofa have revealed which star signs are the worst to live with.

The research analysed factors such as stubbornness, free spiritedness and the person’s passion to determine the most difficult star sign to live with during a lockdown.

And the results revealed Aquariuses to be the most problematic when forced to stay at home.

Astrologers stated an Aquarius’s free spirit and stubbornness as the most significant issue.

According to the research, Aquarians are the most difficult, followed by Taurus, Scorpio, Leo and Aries in that order.

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Tauruses can be problematic during lockdown, the researchers said, as they will often refuse to listen to other peoples’ feedback about their behaviour.

Scorpios passion make them third place, while Leos and Aires come in fourth and fifth as they like to be in control.

The researchers said both men and women who are a Leo or an Aries are most likely to walk away during an argument, leaving their partner frustrated.

Horoscope reader Stephanie Pearce, at Psychic Sofa, said: “Aquarians are less compatible with Leos, Tauruses and Scorpios, as they feel frustrated with Tauruses who tend to be stuck in their ways.

“Aquarians like to be free spirits and thinkers and clash with Scorpions as they both have headstrong personalities.

“Aquarians clash massively with Leos as they want to be the centre of attention and often you may find arguments arise in the relationship.”

“Tauruses do not get on with Leos and Aquarians and often avoid having relationships with any of these signs.

“However, this Zodiac sign is often attracted to a Scorpio’s passion, although this match is not always such a great choice.

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“Tauruses may have some problems adapting to the passionate and stubborn thoughts that are often associated with Scorpio.”

The astrologers said, however, that all of the aforementioned star signs are deeply caring people at heart.

As a result, the best way to move past an argument is to communicate better and give one another space.

Ms Pearce added: “The pandemic has put a lot of pressure on couples who are living together, and it’s important to understand that when arguments happen, it’s not always personal.

“Having more clarity about your partner’s behaviour will allow you to find a solution and move forward as you will be able to understand when the person you love needs space, and how best to deal with problems as they arise.”

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