Since TikTok has pretty much solidified itself as home of all the food trends, you’ve probably seen the latest one where TikTokers whip up tasty wraps and desserts with a new tortilla hack. In a fitting move for a tortilla trend, Chipotle has even joined in on the viral fun with a mouthwatering TikTok tortilla recipe that fans can recreate. Since Chipotle’s TikTok tortilla trend recipe only requires a few ingredients, you can easily try it out at home.
ICYMI, the recent tortilla trend, which began popping in the beginning of January on TikTok, has fans transforming simple wraps into gourmet meals. People have been sharing everything from dessert wraps filled with chocolate and strawberries to pizza wraps complete with cheese and tomato sauce.
Chipotle introduced its own TikTok #TortillaTrend video on Jan. 9, and it was created by Chipotle Executive Chef Chad Brauze. To recreate the hack at home, you’ll need to use the Chipotle app to order a bowl that includes white rice, black beans, barbacoa, and Cheese. You’ll also need to ask for guac and a tortilla on the side. Of course, you can also try to make it with similar ingredients you already have at home.
Once you’ve got your ingredients from Chipotle (or from your own kitchen), you’ll be ready to create your own gourmet wrap. First, lay the tortilla flat and cut the middle of the tortilla starting at the end toward you. Afterwards, put the white rice, black beans, barbacoa, and cheese into the individual quarters of the tortilla. Fold the tortilla into triangles and then heat it on a stove top, griddle, or grill before serving. If you get lost at any step, you can always refer back to the video, with the step-by-step instructions.
Once you’ve mastered the Chipotle tortilla trend, you can move on to all the other tasty AF recipes people are sharing on TikTok, including Nutella-filled dessert options.
Due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, you’ll want to remember to follow the coronavirus safety recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as of Dec. 31, when you receive your Chipotle bowl order. They include throwing away the to-go packaging, washing your hands before eating, and wearing a face mask if you meet your delivery person. Gotta keep safe before you get on with the trends!
If you think you’re showing symptoms of coronavirus, which include fever, shortness of breath, and cough, call your doctor before going to get tested. If you’re anxious about the virus’s spread in your community, visit the CDC for up-to-date information and resources, or seek out mental health support. You can find all Elite Daily’s coverage of coronavirus here.
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