16 Shows to Watch After You've Binged Virgin River That Deliver Charming Small-Town Vibes

16 Shows to Watch After You’ve Binged Virgin River That Deliver Charming Small-Town Vibes

So you’ve sped through all of Virgin River and you have an Alexandra Breckenridge-size hole in your life — what’s next? Fortunately, there are plenty of other shows out there with stories like Virgin River, including ones that feature starting over in a new place, romance, drama, and more. There are also plenty of options that will provide you with the same background: small towns. Best of all, several of these shows are based on books, because in case you’ve forgotten, Virgin River is based on the book series by Robyn Carr. Building a TV show from a book series not only gives a great foundation but also a jumping-off point to create even more storylines.

Ahead, we’ve picked out the best TV shows to watch after Virgin River and while you not so patiently wait for seasons four and five of the show to arrive on Netflix. Waiting for your favorite show to come back for another season is rough, but when you find a similar series, it helps soften the eternal wait. After the way season three ended, we have a lot of lingering questions for where season four of Virgin River will go, but until then, we’ll be watching these shows like Virgin River to pass the time!

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