‘Trolls tried ruining my engagement picture – but fiancé and I love my body’

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    A woman called out fat-shaming trolls for "ruining her moment" when she posted a sweet proposal video.

    Emily Easter jetted off to Greece with her partner for a holiday in May and to her surprise, she came back home with a ring on her.

    She posted the proposal video on TikTok to share the joy and excitement with her friends.

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    But she was bombarded with negative comments from trolls who made fun of her body shape.

    And Emily refused to let them spoil her engagement post.

    She pinned a troll's comment in another video to address the fat-shaming issue.

    "Just replying to this comment — 'what about the fat giggly belly?' — thank you for pointing out the obvious but not a lot of people care and I certainly don't," Emily said.

    "The reason I'm replying is for people to see that this is the account because you hated other people's comment.

    "I feel like people should see the comment and people should see what you say to people."

    Emily added that it's "not nice" for people thinking they can come on to TikTok and ruin people's moment.

    She called it an "ugly personality trait".

    "I am happy with who I am and my partner loves me. I love me. My baby loves me," Emily continued.

    "And that, I'm afraid, to me, is all that matters."

    Viewers agreed with Emily and congratulated her on her engagement.

    One said: "Some people are not happy with their life and it shows. Rooting for you from afar, stay happy!"

    "I love this — it’s called real life and it’s refreshing in this world of filters and toxicity," a second wrote.

    Another person commented: "Please ignore the miserable body shaming comments. What I see is a man in love with a beautiful woman."

    Emily also shared her outfit to "remind herself how gorgeous she looked" on the night of the engagement.

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    • Body Positivity
    • Proposal

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