Mama June Defends Herself After Playfully NSFW Video Triggers Backlash Amid Anna's Cancer Battle

"Mama June" Shannon elicited the ire of her fans for a raunchy video posted to her Instagram where she teased husband Justin Stroud to capture his reaction they felt was inappropriate as daughter Anna "Chickadee" Cardwell is battling terminal cancer.

Apparently, if someone you love is dealing with a serious medical illness, that is the only thing that can be happening in their or your life. That’s the message “Mama June” Shannon’s followers were giving her.

The reality star shared a playfully NSFW video to her social media that’s certainly nothing unique. There are plenty of videos online where one partner exposes themselves to another and films the other’s reaction. Nothing is actually seen, save the reaction.

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In her own take on it, June challenged “all of my ladies out there to do this,” as she filmed the shocked reaction of her husband Justin Stroud. While it was all fun and games for June, her followers were not having it.

In comments that have since been removed from her Instagram — along with all comments on the post, which is still active on her page (as well as her TIkTok) — June was seemingly being slammed for doing anything other than sitting by daughter Anna “Chickadee” Caldwell’s side during her battle with terminal cancer.

“Worry about your oldest child with cancer dude and not f–king Instagram or TikTok all that [sic],” commented one follower, as captured by The Daily Mail. “I know if my adult child had cancer I’d drop everything and be by her side and fighting with her not doing this c–p.”

June jumped in with a lengthy and clearly impassioned reply to emphasize that taking a moment away does not constitute not caring or being there for a loved one in their time of need. The following is as she wrote it verbatim.

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“Well let me school you just a little bit, and Anna will even show you this for herself,” wrote June. “We speak almost on a daily basis, every one of my girls name where I was that at all times honestly, this is all been hard on all of us and she knows that.”

“But if she was really bad off, I mean come on,” she continued. “I have common sense we wouldn’t be going anywhere I would be right there like we always have. Every time that she had a chemo treatment, me and Justin stay with her for the week.”

“I mean literally we all live five minutes away from each other n honestly, as much as I wish this wasn’t happening to us, but I have ever dealt with him all entire life, including my own drug addiction almost 4 years ago.”

“But life doesn’t stop even though some days it feels like I’m living in a dream with all this it’s a daily struggle for me mental and emotional to deal with and sometime to get through the day but I have to at the end of there is nothing we can change about the situation.”

“N I needed a break from reality for a minute even though it’s in the front of my mind every second of every single day so me posting on social media doesn’t mean I don’t care or ain’t there for her during this so thanks for your optimism but until you walk a day in my shoes U or anyone have any idea what I deal with and struggle with.”

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It was just a month ago that June and her daughters revealed that Anna’s cancer was stage IV terminal in a sit-down interview with Entertainment Tonight.

“She’s stage IV,” June said. “She’s not gonna go into remission. We’ve all accepted that.” At the same time, she knows that a terminal diagnosis doesn’t mean that doctors can honestly say how much longer a patient has. “Somebody can tell you six months and you can live five years,” she said.

“It is crazy to think that she will not be here probably in five years,” interjected youngest daughter Alana “Honey Boo Boo” Thompson. “But I’m hoping that she can pull through and fight 10, 20 years … That’s my sister.”

Despite her diagnosis, the family says that Anna is still doing well and keeping active, driving herself and staying involved with taking her kids where they need to go. Anna has two children, Kaitlyn, 10 and Kylee, 7. In May, June revealed she was moving home to Georgia to help care for her daughter.

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