Horoscopes today – Russell Grant’s star sign forecast for Monday, November 6


Go ahead and re-negotiate if you feel you could get a better bargain or you think an arrangement could be changed to your benefit. Once you agree on a new deal there will be more time to spend on personal concerns. Your determination is at an all-time high.


Something you are working on will attract a huge amount of attention. An experiment or trial could lead to a green light being given for further projects or procedures of this kind. Dreams are vivid and should be cherished as messages from your soul.


Believe in yourself. Don’t keep telling yourself that you haven’t got what it takes to achieve a goal. If you are serious, take one step a day towards reaching it. Bring your plans and ideas for the future to the attention of those who may be able to help you in some small way.


It may mean stretching your existing resources as far as they will go but you are prepared to do this in order to save up for something special. Whether it is a holiday, appliance or luxury purchase, you will find a way to reach this financial goal.


A partner or housemate is not thinking clearly. It might be up to you to point out aspects of a situation or conversation they may have overlooked. After listening to you they will admit they have been blindly accepting someone’s comments without asking for proof of what they have been saying.


There is a way to find out whether new methods might work: try them out. You have talked enough about it so put ideas into practice now. You can always revise and change them later if there is a need. Besides, you will find it fun to experiment with new routines.


The more positive you feel, the more likely it is that you will get results. Someone who was starting to doubt your abilities will be surprised by the success of your actions. A special moment late in the day will make you feel like a dream has come true.


Other people will turn to you, convinced you can and will be able to help with matters they are struggling with. You will start by digging deep and finding the root of the problem. This is what makes you such a valuable and popular member of a team


It is your flexibility and open-mindedness that friends and workmates admire. Between one divergent opinion and another you will be able to come up with a good way to resolve an awkward situation. The more flexible you are, the more popular you seem to be.

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After some delving and discussion you will accept that mistakes have been made. With the benefit of hindsight you will be able to see where, how and why you made a wrong move. A willingness to learn from this experience will enable you to have greater success next time.


You have an intuitive understanding of how some scenarios are likely to develop. A competitor will underestimate your ability to predict the future. This puts you in a stronger position to make a success of a new venture. You know you are capable of this.


You are determined to see the good in all people and situations. This helps you look at less fortunate occurrences as being a case of: what will be, will be. Your easy-going, almost playful approach to life and relationships will inspire others to keep looking on the bright side, too.

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