‘Brilliant’ method to ‘instantly kill’ patio and driveway weeds

Gardening tips: Four homemade hacks to kill garden weeds

Gena Lorraine, gardening expert at Fantastic Services, explained: “Pouring boiling water on weeds can instantly kill them, as well as any seeds that may be dormant in the soil.

“It’s brilliant for walkways, garden paths, and driveways, but not lawns.

“Annual weeds should be taken care of before they have the chance to set seed. Consider pulling them out of the ground after the rain has softened the soil, so you can get the complete root systems.”

According to experts from Gardening Know How, the boiling water trick works “effectively” by “scalding” them to the point where they “won’t grow back”.

The pros said: “A tea kettle with a spout and a heatproof handle can be an invaluable asset when using this method to kill weeds.

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“The spout allows us to direct the flow of water right on the weeds, while the kettle retains most of the heat.

“Pour slowly, especially if there is grass nearby or ornamental plants that might be damaged. Pour generously, but don’t waste it. There are likely many more weeds to kill off.”

To manage weeds throughout the seasons, Gena recommended mulching the soil, blocking the weeds from sunlight and inhibiting their growth.

Other ways of managing paving weeds include using baking soda to dry them out as well as white vinegar, salt or a weed killer.

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Mulch could be garden compost, wood or bark chipping used to lay over the soil as a covering.

It could also be homemade leafmould, used from gathered leaves over the past couple of years.

The expert added: “Mowing the lawn can be an effective deterrent. The plants will wilt and stop producing seeds, which will eliminate them.

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“Just make sure you attach a basket to your mower rather than tossing the clippings on the grass.”

Mowing the lawn is often not necessary in winter so if weeds do appear, the grass needs to be completely dry in order to mow the lawn.

However, this isn’t needed during the winter months so it may be best to pull lawn weeds out by hand.

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