Make soup that’s full of flavour with food expert’s three-ingredient formula

Making soup from scratch is incredibly easy to do but balancing the flavours isn’t always as straightforward.

However, Food & Flavour Expert and Founder of The Gift of Oil, Phil Bianchi claimed that there’s just one formula Britons need for delicious winter soup every time.

Speaking exclusively to, he said: “The key elements to a great soup recipe are dairy, vegetables and stock.

“As long as you have those three key ingredients, no matter the variation, you’ll be guaranteed a good soup full of flavour.

“The great thing about soup is that you can experiment with different flavours using a variety of ingredients straight from your kitchen cupboards.”

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Sharing his expert recipe for seasonal soup, Phil claimed: “This recipe is perfect for a cold winter’s day and you’ll most likely have these ingredients already at home.

“Why not give the soup an extra twist by experimenting with infused olive oils, such as chilli-infused olive oil- to give it an extra kick!”


  • One tablespoon of olive oil
  • One diced onion
  • Two large carrots, chopped
  • One garlic clove, crushed
  • 650g frozen peas
  • 225g potatoes, cubed
  • Two pints of vegetable stock
  • Crème Fraîche (any soft cheese or cream will work)
  • For seasoning, salt and pepper

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To make the base of this easy “leftovers” soup, start by heating the oil in a large frying pan over medium heat.

Add the chopped vegetables including the onions, carrots potatoes, and any other veggies being thrown into the hearty soup.

Cook everything for three to four minutes until they soften, then add in the frozen peas.

Follow with the vegetable stock by pouring it into the pan, then bring to a boil.

At this point, the flavours should be fusing into one another, so it’s a good time to add some salt and pepper to season everything. Leave to simmer until the vegetables are tender and flavoured.

Set aside and allow to cool for 15 minutes, then whizz with a hand blender until smooth

Reheat the soup and dish it up in a generous soup bowl, then finish by stirring in the crème fraîche for a creamy extra touch.

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