Susanna Reid mortally offends Richard Madeley with sex symbol comment on GMB

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Good Morning Britain’s Susanna Reid was fobbed off by her co-host Richard Madeley after she made a cheeky dig at the veteran presenter. 

The 52-year-old ITV morning TV host was introducing segments coming up on Monday’s show when accidentally irked the 67-year-old broadcaster. 

While alerting viewers to their upcoming debate about people’s attractiveness once they hit 60 years old, Susanna turned to Richard for an opinion. 

She was met with an uneasy look from the presenter who waved her off and re-directed her attention to Gary Lineker – who was the catalyst for the discussion. 

They were teeing up a segment that explored whether someone could be a sex symbol in their sixties after the former footballer was questioned about his appeal during a recent interview. 

After the clips rolled, Susanna turned to her co-host and quipped: ‘Well there’s one obvious person to ask if you can still be a sex symbol in your sixties. Richard Madeley!’

Richard met her comment with a scoff and unimpressed face as he shot back: ‘Oh get out of here! What?!’ 

Susanna wasn’t ready to give up just yet as she replied: ‘I’m just asking,’ followed by a round of wolf-whistling from the show’s crew off-screen.

‘There we go, the crew think so,’ the presenter added before she concluded: ‘Actually I’m not so sure that’s appropriate is it.’

Continuing their exchange, Richard explained: ‘I’m not going to ask how old you are,’ to which Susanna replied: ‘I’m 52, why don’t you want to ask?’

Richard then surmised: ‘Because I wanted to be a gentleman,’ which earned him a fiery retort from Susanna to the tune of: ‘That’s quite an old-fashioned notion. You’re showing your age.’ 

Putting an end to the butting of heads, the pair turned their attention to 78-year-old Angela Rippon, who is currently dancing herself to popularity on BBC’s Strictly Come Dancing.

On Saturday night, the TV veteran made her ballroom debut on the show and thrilled audiences with her agility and showmanship. 

Good Morning Britain airs weekdays from 6am on ITV. Coronation Street airs on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8pm on ITV1.

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