Piers Morgan aims savage jibe at Donald Trump with political Halloween costume

TalkTV presenter Piers Morgan aimed a brutal jibe at former US president Donald Trump this Halloween.

The former Good Morning Britain host split opinion as he donned an orange prison jumpsuit and an unsettling mask of the divisive political figure.

The 58-year-old shared a snap of himself posing in the outfit on the streets of Beverly Hills, California in view of his 2.1 million Instagram followers with the caption: “Happy Halloween!”

He also included a picture where the words “Department of Corrections” could be seen clearly printed on his back.

Morgan’s outfit is a clear reference to Trump’s recent legal battles, which have caused a lot of speculation over where he might go to jail.

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77-year-old Trump has most recently been found by a New York judge to have committed fraud.

Judge Arthur Engoron found he had “repeatedly” over-inflated his wealth by as much as £1.8 billion and the state’s attorney general is currently seeking a $250 million judgment and a ban on the former reality TV star doing business in his home state.

A number of criminal and civil cases that the former American president has been embroiled in will reach the courts next year, although that hasn’t stopped him from campaigning to return to the White House in 2024.

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Criminal charges he faces include allegedly paying hush money to a porn star and mishandling White House documents, while he also faces claims he tried to alter the 2020 election result.

Trump and Morgan have frequently exchanged insults on social media following an explosive interview on TalkTV that saw the political figure storming off the set.

Morgan’s followers took to the Instagram comments section to share their thoughts on his decision to dress as an imprisoned Trump for Halloween.

His wife Celia Walden wrote: “I’m sending you to the Department of Corrections, Piers.”

“You won Halloween. No one can top this,” an amused follower penned, as another added: “Orange fits him well.”

“Why did he have to make it political,” one complained, while one more commented: “Not funny.”

Express.co.uk has contacted Donald Trump’s representatives for comment.

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