EXC: Jorgie Porter feels 'vulnerable' following attempted burglary

EXCLUSIVE: Jorgie Porter says she feels ‘vulnerable’ following attempted burglary while her fiancé Oliver Piotrowski was left ‘unable to sleep’

Jorgie Porter has been left feeling ‘vulnerable’ and her fiancé Oliver Piotrowski was ‘unable to sleep’ after burglars attempted to break in to her home. 

Speaking to MailOnline at the Michael Josephson MBE Charity ball in Manchester this week, the actress, 35, who has an eight-month-old son, recalled the terrifying experience. 

Two weeks ago criminals cut the cables and Wi-Fi in the surrounding area and removed the alarm to their house before they got spooked by something and fled. 

Jorgie explained: ‘Everyone has a burglary story and I felt vulnerable and annoyed – I felt like, “how dare they?”

‘We’ve really upped our security now and gone to the levels of full protection. The thing is when you’ve got kids that’s when you’re like “absolutely not”. It was very scary.’

Terrifying: Jorgie Porter, 35, has been left feeling ‘vulnerable’ and her fiancé Oliver Piotrowski was ‘unable to sleep’ after burglars attempted to break in to her home (pictured this week)

Oli added: ‘It’s been a process trying to feel safe again in the house. I didn’t sleep for the first four or five nights – it’s taken time, but it comes back.’ 

Following the attempted break in Jorgie released CCTV footage of the burglars on advisement from the police to help them track down the suspects.

Elsewhere she discussed her return to Hollyoaks, admitted that whilst she feels like she ‘never left,’ dropping her son off at nursery after her maternity leave ‘breaks her heart.’

Jorgie said: ‘I’ve been at home just festering for a year during my maternity leave – so Oli will get to do what he wants at home now. 

‘It breaks my heart every time I drop Forest at nursery and when I’m at work I’m constantly thinking “I’ve got a kid”. 

‘I think about him all the time and try not to talk about him too much, but I just find myself talking about him on set.

‘It’s like I’ve never left Hollyoaks to be fair, everyone is there, and everyone is excited to see me and give me hugs. 

‘I have to be there an hour earlier just to say hello to everyone and so that I’ll be on time for filming because I know I talk and talk.’

Awful: Two weeks ago criminals cut the cables and Wi-Fi in the surrounding area and removed the alarm to their house before they got spooked by something and fled

Scary: Speaking to MailOnline at the Michael Josephson MBE Charity ball in Manchester this week, the actress, who has an eight-month-old son, recalled the terrifying experience

Adding of her return she teased: ‘At the minute I’m just enjoying Theresa being back but her entry is not so great. I can’t say much but it’s big.’

Jorgie, who plays Theresa McQueen on Hollyoaks, lives in a sprawling house in Cheshire with her fiancé Oliver and their son Forest.

The couple bought the home in July 2021 and then renovated it into a stunning modern property, with Jorgie showing regular glimpses inside the house on her Instagram.

Shortly after the burglary she shared a video to Instagram and said: ‘Just come on here because I’m really upset, really scared, really angry that our house was almost robbed last night. 

‘People tried to get in, they came over the gate and obviously it’s been planned because all the cables have been cut, the Wi-Fi in the area has been cut, our alarm was taken off the wall – they’ve really planned it. Sick.’

The actress expressed her outrage at the thieves and thanked the police for their speedy response.

She said: ‘It’s really scary. I also want to say thank you to the police for turning up really quick last night and how many there were because it actually made us feel a bit safe. 

‘But I’m just so angry. Why would people want to come in? It’s just so upsetting. I hope nobody is put in this position because it’s really horrible.’

Shaken up: Jorgie, who plays Theresa McQueen on Hollyoaks, lives in a sprawling house in Cheshire with her fiancé Oliver and their son Forest

Appeal for help: Shortly after the burglary she shared a video to Instagram and said: ‘ Just come on here because I’m really upset, really scared, really angry’

Referring to the would-be burglars, she concluded: ‘And I hope they all just get what’s coming to them.’

Jorgie then uploaded the CCTV footage on advisement from the police to help them track down the suspects.

She said: ‘We’ve got CCTV footage of the guys from last night. I think there’s two or three of them. The police suggested we put it up and circulate it, so here it is.’

The clip shows two masked men wearing gloves and armed with torches skulking around the garden towards the house, before suddenly turning and making a quick escape. 

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