Your Libra Monthly Horoscope for November

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Scorpio season is a cozy time for you, Libra. Right now, you’re thinking about comfort and your sense of security. The month kicks off with some shocking news in your financial world on November 5 when Venus in Scorpio hooks up with Uranus in Taurus. An unexpected relief may arrive when it comes to your work life or budget, helping you pay those bills.

The Full Moon lunar eclipse in Taurus on November 8 brings a different vibe and can stir up fears that have been lingering in your subconscious. You may be closing a chapter and letting go of someone or something. This is a time to recognize your past pain—your feelings are valid! Lean on your support network and trust in own personal transformation. It hurts, yes, but this change is needed.

You’re listening to what your body needs on November 10 when Venus in Scorpio joins with Neptune in Pisces. This is a day to schedule a massage! You deserve to physically nourish your body–your mind and soul will thank you for it. You may feel pulled between giving into your escapist tendencies and committing to your responsibilities on November 11 when the Sun in Scorpio clashes with Saturn in Aquarius. Your obligations may get in the way of fun today. If you focus on what you’ve already committed to, you can avoid tension.

On November 15, Venus in Scorpio and Jupiter in Pisces, two of the luckiest planets in the sky, share a sweet embrace. Luck is flowing freely at work–whether you’re asking for a raise or knocking a presentation out of the park, others are taking notice of your skills. Reward yourself with a little treat for a job well done. Later that day, Venus enters Sagittarius, and you’re ready for some witty banter! You want to share your time with someone who expands your mind. Consider signing up for a class that helps you hone your skills, joining a book club, or starting a daily journaling practice!

When Mercury enters Sagittarius on November 17, you may feel like your schedule is overloaded. Sure, you’re spending more time with friends and doing fun activities, but if you’re not careful, FOMO will lead to exhaustion. This is also a cosmically aligned time to work on and review contracts. You’re reconnected with the power of your mind. Mercury and Venus, both in Sagittarius, meet at the same point in the sky on November 21. Simply put: Good news arrives! A piece of information you’ve been waiting for lands in your inbox or DMs.

Cosmo Merch: Libra

The following day on November 22, the Sun enters Sagittarius. Sagittarius season 2022 is finally here! For the next four weeks, your schedule and social life continues to be busier than ever. In particular, you may be spending more time connecting with siblings or extended family.

The New Moon in Sagittarius on November 23 marks a shift in the way you communicate. Try speaking more kindly to yourself or recognizing a lesson you’ve recently learned. You’re likely to receive some information you’ve been eagerly awaiting, and this can offer insight on a new chapter unfolding in your life. Jupiter stations direct in Pisces on the same day and you may start to feel more rhythm in your daily routine. If you’ve been struggling to break a bad habit, this could be the time! There’s less tension at work today, and you may also feel like you have a little extra energy to spare.

A dramatic conversation can lead to hurt feelings, misunderstandings, and a need for some serious boundaries on November 29 when Mercury in Sagittarius faces off with Mars Retrograde in Gemini. Words are weapons today–how will you wield that power? An ideological difference can cause a rift. Stand up for what you believe in, but remember, you can’t always take back everything you say.

The following day on November 30, Venus in Sagittarius riles up that same Mars Retrograde. This is an opportunity for a compromise…or an impasse. You decide–can you agree to disagree, or will you have to set some boundaries and go your separate ways? Either way, your conversations will have an extra charge to them today. On the bright side, this energy that also bring creative inspiration!

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