The India leg of Netflix’s annual fan event Tudum on Saturday showcased several big ticket films and shows including Vishal Bhardwaj’s “Khufiya,” starring Tabu, Raj Nidimoru and Krishna D.K.’s “Guns & Gulaabs,” with Dulquer Salmaan, and Hansal Mehta’s “Scoop.”
“Class,” set in an expensive Delhi school, is an adaptation of hit Spanish series “Elite.” It stars Gurfateh Pirzada, Chintan Rachh, Naina Bhan, Chayan Chopra, Ciyawal, Anjali Sivarman, Madhyama Segal, Piyush Khati, Ayesha Kanga, Chandan Singh, Moses Koul and Zeyn Shaw.
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For “Guns & Gulaabs,” starring Dulquer Salmaan, “The Family Man” creators Raj Nidimoru and Krishna D.K. team with Netflix for their first series for the streamer after their indie film “Cinema Bandi.” The series is a crime thriller that depicts love and innocence against the backdrop of crime, and blends the romance of the 90s with humor.
Watch teaser trailer here:
After acclaimed Netflix series “Ray,” Vasan Bala returns with dark comedy film “Monica, O My Darling,” starring Rajkummar Rao, Huma S. Qureshi, Radhika Apte, Sikander Kher, Bagavathi Perumal, Akansha Ranjan Kapoor, Sukant Goel and Zayn Marie Khan. In the film, a young man desperately tries to make it big with some unlikely allies and a diabolical plan to pull off the perfect murder.
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Kicking off his directorial debut on Netflix, acclaimed director Hansal Mehta (“Scam 1992: The Harshad Mehta Story”) presents series “Scoop,” inspired by the biographical book from journalist and crime reporter “Jigna Vora, Behind The Bars In Byculla: My Days in Prison,” which chronicles her experiences after being accused in the murder of another reporter.
Watch teaser trailer here:
During the Tudum India event, writer-director Vishal Bhardwaj (“Haider”), introduced his spy thriller film “Khufiya,” based on the book “Escape to Nowhere” by Amar Bhushan, the ex-chief of India’s counter espionage unit. Starring Tabu, Ali Fazal and Wamiqa Gabbi, film follows Research and Analysis Wing operative Krishna Mehra, who is assigned a crucial mission which leaves her juggle her dual identities as a spy and a lover.
Watch teaser trailer here:
In “Kathal,” when a local politician’s prized jackfruits (kathals) go missing, it turns into a bizarre case that falls into the lap of a young and earnest police officer, played by Sanya Malhotra.
Watch teaser trailer here:
And finally, in an exclusive Tudum conversation, Telugu-language cinema stars Rana Dagubbati and Venkatesh Daggubati, a real-life nephew-uncle pair, discussed what it was like to explore father and son relationships on-screen in “Rana Naidu,” before premiering a new teaser for the series. Set in Mumbai, where glitz meets grime, Rana Naidu does the dirty work for the city’s top power players; making the problems of the city’s celebrities, superstar athletes and business moguls disappear.
Watch teaser trailer here:
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