Get rid of English ivy ‘forever’ from gardens using this tested method

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Ivy may seem pretty and some believe it gives gardens a storybook appearance, but English ivy is an invasive weed which can destroy gardens if left untreated. 

English ivy is toxic to animals and can affect local wildlife are even severely poison pets if costumed, causing breathing problems, severe vomiting and hallucinations. It will grow very quickly. can take over plants or entire trees, and will take both sunlight and nutrients from your garden. 

Brittany Baileyn, a gardening expert who goes by the name Pretty Handy Girl online, has explained that although it can look beautiful, English ivy is “hiding an ugly secret” that lots of gardeners may not know about. 

In a blog article, Brittany explained: “Homeowners mistakenly plant English ivy and let it run wild thinking it’s a great ground cover. But, little do they realize when not contained in a pot, this plant can soon cause serious problems if left unchecked.  

“When grown in the yard, this plant can cover the ground not allowing native species to thrive. It is a real problem when it reaches the trees. The vines can strangle the roots of a tree and can cause damage to the bark, plus it adds excess weight to the tree.”

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Equipment for getting rid of English ivy 

However, Brittany has explained that there is a very simple way to get rid of English ivy “forever” but has warned that gardeners must first prepare as English ivy can be a “haven” for pests such as spiders and rodents as well as being poisonous. 

Brittany explained that it is best to be wearing protective equipment. She said: “This battle is a tough one, and you’ll need to gear up before going to battle.” 

It is best to wear safety glasses, gloves, and a good pair of boots as well as a long-sleeved top and fully-covering trousers for this task. 

As for tools, Brittany has suggested something to cut into the ivy on the ground or such as a string trimmer, mower, rake, hoe but you should use a looper or pruning shears if the ivy is on a tree. Either white vinegar or bioadvanced herbicide spray is also needed for killing English ivy. 

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How to get rid of English ivy 

To begin, Brittany said that cutting into the ivy should be done first before applying a herbicide that can kill it. She added that this method for killing English ivy should never be used on poison ivy, as cutting into poison ivy can simply spread the poisonous sap. 

Brittany said: “Ivy has a waxy leaf that is highly resistant to herbicides, therefore it’s best to score or cut the ivy before applying your choice of an herbicide or vinegar. You can use a string trimmer to cut the leaves off the ivy. This will create an open would and allow the plant to absorb the herbicide more easily.”

Brittany said that any ivy on the ground can be cut up quickly using a lawnmower, but only loppers or shears should be used for cutting ivy on a tree. 

When cutting, Brittany instructed: “Pull the ivy several feet away from the trunk of the tree. Inspect the larger roots at the base of the trunk and look for ivy growing over the roots. If you spot any, cut it to prevent the ivy from strangling the tree roots.

Spray the ivy once cut and wait for the ivy vines to turn brown and eventually fall off. It is important to never simply pull at the ivy on a tree as it can severely damage it, but once properly sprayed the English ivy should be permanently gone from a garden.

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