Woman transforms her grease-ridden oven door using two simple ingredients in her cupboard and it costs under 10p

A WOMAN was left “gobsmacked” after she transformed her grimy oven to look brand new using two simple ingredients from her cupboard.

Aussie mum Cass said she’d used countless professional products to try and get rid of the filth – but nothing worked as well as her DIY method.

Cass revealed on Facebook group Mums Who Clean that she whipped up a homemade concoction of bicarbonate of soda and vinegar.

After mixing the two together, she left the paste for 10 minutes before grabbing her scourer.

After scrubbing in a circular motion and then wiping away with a cloth, she was shocked to notice that the filth-stained glass was now good as new.

The woman explained how she thought she’d need “heavy duty chemicals to get [grime] that out!”

Cass said: “So I decided to try the one thing I had on hand tonight – bicarb and vinegar, mixed into a paste and left on for maybe 10 mins, if that, then wiped with a scourer pad.


It’s not the only everyday item which could help to transform your home and make it look sparkling.

Want to get your toilet looking spotless and gleaming? The trick might be to use shaving cream.

It may seem like an unlikely cleaning product, but mums have been sharing dramatic photos of how the grooming item has transformed their bathroom thrones.

Mums have told how they lathered up the entire toilet, from the seat, lid, basin, and even the surrounding floor areas.

After a bit of TLC and some elbow grease, the lavatories were soon left sparkling and looking brand new.



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Meanwhile, there people have shared amazing before-and-after cleaning transformations – using a £1.50 denture whitener.

For more cleaning hacks, this woman used a Poundland spray to get rid of nasty mildew stains on her window sill in just four MINUTES.

And shoppers can't get enough of the 89p cleaning paste from Home Bargains that is a favourite with Mrs Hinch.

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