Bottega Veneta Lauches Lifetime Warranty for Its Bags

Reinforcing its commitment to quality luxury, Bottega Veneta recently announced a new lifetime warranty program for its bag offerings. Dubbed the “Certificate of Craft” program, the launch offers protection for its distinctive designs and craftsmanship techniques through complimentary services.

Customers can now send their baggage styles back to Bottega for complimentary refreshes and repairs to ensure the longevity of their purchases. “Bottega Veneta is an extraordinary craft with exquisite design and creativity. The Certificate of Craft is born out of a desire to offer our clients a superior service of long-term preservation of their products,” said Leo Rongone, Bottega Veneta CEO, in a statement regarding the Certificate of Craft program. “Our vision remains consistent with the one of our founders. They wanted Bottega Veneta to represent the most elevated and refined form of luxury. We count days, not hours, to make our products. They are designed to last forever.”

Adding that the program is the latest step in the fashion house’s vision of the future, “We focus on responsible growth. Our intention is to maintain products in use for longer, reducing the need for replacement,” said Rongone.

Starting in November, each new bag purchase from Bottega Veneta will come complete with a physical and digital card marked with a unique serial number tied to the Certificate of Craft program.

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