‘100% effective’ solution to repel pigeons from your garden fast

This Morning: Alice Beer shares tips for removing pests

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If Britons have pigeons on their property, they must act quickly. Pigeons can cause expensive damage to gardens and homes in a short period.  Once they choose your garden as a nesting ground, they will eat the plants gardeners are trying to grow. These birds may seem harmless but they can cause significant damage to your property, and possibly introduce disease-causing organisms into your premises. Here are a few tips on how to keep pigeons out of your garden.

Like most pests, pigeons need a safe area with a stable supply of food to survive. Once they find a stable food source they’ll likely create several nests because they like to live in flocks.

They’re not especially picky dieters, which makes it difficult to get rid of them. They’ll be happy to dine on exposed junk as much as seeds from vegetable gardens. So how can you deter them in the first place?


There are plenty of places pigeons will choose to make their home. The main problem from pigeons is when they roost on ledges, roofs, chimneys, or in attics, sheds, and barns.

Pest control experts at Ovo Control have shared that using netting is a great way to deter pigeons form landing in gardens. They said: “Consider using a netting system to physically exclude the birds from gardens. If installed properly it’s 100 percent effective.  

“Newer versions of netting are virtually invisible.” This helps to keep these pests away from gaining access to a specific location.

Experts at Smith’s Pest Management agreed: “Nylon bird netting can be effective for roofs that have pitches and eaves that are attractive for pigeons.

“Hung vertically along the siding of a building, bird netting prevents birds from perching on the roof or surface of the building. For pigeon control, we recommend a 50mm gauge net.”

Pest pros at World Birds also suggested using netting to deter pigeons. They said: “This is the best pigeon deterrent that will protect the hard work you’ve put in your garden. It is best to install netting on thin rods instead of thick planks of wood, as the latter can serve as a roosting area. 

“Make sure to leave a space of at least six inches between the netting and the nearest branch or shrub to prevent birds from picking at it through the mesh. Install it at a steep angle so that pigeons won’t be tempted to land on them.”

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Bird gels

For those scratching their head over how to get rid of pigeons on their roof, remember that gardeners need to make it less attractive to them. They can do that by making their roosting areas untenable with pigeon repellent gel.

The gels tend to come in three caulk tubes that each can cover an area of about 10 to 12 feet. The experts advised: “Load the caulk tube into your caulk gun and apply easily in lines or in dots. Birds that land there will realise the surface is very sticky and they will leave immediately.”

They stay sticky for weeks in different weather conditions and since it’s a clear gel, it’s barely noticeable.

The pest control gurus added: “This is a safe way to get rid of pigeons without hurting them, but following instructions properly is key. Avoid heavily smearing an entire surface with the gel as birds can get stuck and hurt themselves.”

Ultrasonic pigeon repeller  

Birds have a great sense of hearing, allowing them to hear sounds that human ears cannot detect. They need to have sharp ears to hear the calls of other birds. 

This helps alert them to food, a potential mating partner, and danger. Gardeners should use this to their advantage and get rid of pigeons with sound.

The experts said: “They can help remove pigeons from your property by emitting bird distress calls and sounds that predators make. It has several settings that allow you to mix several pre-recorded sounds, making it appear more natural. 

“This can be heard by birds within a one acre radius. Maximise the sound by installing the device in a high area. Pigeons that hear this will think that your home is dangerous and will stay away.”

Install a “scare pigeon”

Pigeons are food for raptors such as falcons and hawks. Unfortunately, these powerful birds of prey cannot be hired to scare pigeons away from homes, but there is a good alternative: scare pigeons.

The pest control experts said: “Having a scare pigeon that is as life-like as possible is what keeps pigeons away. It’s best to get one that is 3D, life-size, and makes erratic movements or emits the raptor sounds.

“But no matter how real it looks and acts, pigeons will eventually get in on the joke if it stays only in one place. Move scare-pigeons from place to place to trick the birds into thinking they’re real.”

For those looking for other ways to scare these pests, motion-activated lights, scare tape, and reflective spiral stickers can adequately deter birds.

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